Registe o seu medidor

para obter ajuda e apoio

Ao registar o seu medidor de glicose no sangue, podemos oferecer-lhe apoio continuado para ajudá-lo a controlar a diabetes, como:

  • Apoio personalizado da nossa equipa do Serviço de Apoio ao Cliente OneTouch®.
  • E-mails com as mais recentes novidades e dicas úteis da OneTouch®, juntamente com informações sobre a diabetes e estilo de vida.

* Indica um campo obrigatório

About your device

Device List
Please select the device you would like to register *

Please select the device you would like to register field is required.

Serial number/product identifier code *
Estimated date of purchase *

Choose the month and year of your purchase.

Please refer to the purchase invoice date. LifeScan India reserves the right to ask customers to provide purchase invoice copy for verification purpose in order to provide warranty benefit.
Purchased From

About You

Please provide your contact information.

First Name *
Last Name *
Date of Birth *
Postal Address *
State *
City *
Pincode *
Mobile Number *
Email address *
Testing Frequency (per week)
Treatment Type
Diabetes Type
Diabetes related information
LifeScan Inc, can contact me to share diabetes related information and promotional offers, using the contact details shared by me. *

This field is required.